Short ‘features’ videos and longer ‘how to’ webinars on many Maxsurf aspects
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Each Video is 3-5 minutes – There are almost 100 carefully targetted videos and a selection of these are displayed further down this page
Each Webinar is 30-40 minutes
There are also many shorter videos demonstrating individual features of the Maxsurf Naval Architecture suite of applications
The following is a selection of these Maxsurf videos
MAXSURF 22.03 – Tips and Tricks in Modeler – Surface Table
New Trimesh Modeling Enhancements. This video highlights some of the new features which have been added to MOSES Hull Modeler 11.03 and Maxsurf 22.release 3. These features facilitate the modeling of offshore floating foundation structures using simple trimesh primitive shapes. The interactive UI is demonstrated as well as an example of how automatic parametric modeling of these types of structures can be scripted via the Hull Modeler COM automation interface
Maxsurf 22.03 – Model Transfer from Modeler to Multiframe
Maxsurf Stability – Modeling Rooms
Before you can carry out some of the more advanced analysis in Stability, you need to have some tanks and compartments defined. This video gives a brief overview of how to define those compartments.
Maxsurf Stability – Modeling Complex Rooms. This video gives an overview of how to define complex tanks and compartments in Stability.
Combining both NURBS and Trimesh surfaces in a Maxsurf design file
This tutorial will show you how you can use both NURBS and Trimesh surfaces in the same Maxsurf design file. It will also show how, combined with the ability to select specific surfaces for analysis, a single model file can be used by all the Maxsurf modules.
Maxsurf Modeler – Dynamic Surface Trimming. This is the fourth video in the series discussing modeling techniques in Maxsurf . Here is an overview of dynamic trimming model in Maxsurf , which means you can dynamically trim one surface to another when they intersect.
Maxsurf Stability – Large Angle Stability
Short ‘features’ videos and longer ‘how to’ webinars on many Maxsurf aspects
Please click here to contact us for more details.