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Use Modeler to optimise hull forms, superstructures and appendages.
3D Hull Modelling
Modeller provides fast, flexible and intuitive modelling of all types of hulls, superstructures and appendages. An unlimited number of trimmed NURB surfaces can be used to model any vessel from yachts to workboats to the largest ships.
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Modeller Features
- Unlimited number of NURB surfaces & curves
- Dynamic surface trimming
- Developable surfaces
- Parametric Transformation
- Proportional model resizing
- Surface/Surface intersections
- Dynamic surface contouring
- Shaded surface curvature display
- Contour curvature display
- Dynamic 3D rotation
- Interactive control point movement
- Bonding, grouping and masking
- Multiple dynamic views
- Edit graphically or numerically
- Merge multiple models
- Surface areas and upright hydrostatics
- Interactive curve of areas
- DXF and IGES import and export
- Read and write Rhino files
- Copy and paste to and from Excel

The core of the Maxsurf range, the Modeller design module provides naval architects with the design tools necessary to create optimised hull forms quickly, accurately and with limited training time. Any number of NURB surfaces can be joined, trimmed and manipulated to create a complete model ready for hydrostatic and performance analysis or construction detailing.
A range of commands provide direct interactive manipulation of the surface shape by mouse or keyboard. Control points can be dragged with the mouse, adjusted numerically, or manipulated with a range of fairing commands. Modeller also provides capabilities to automatically transform hull shapes to match desired dimensions and hydrostatic properties.
Fair and accurate surfaces are critical for optimal vessel performance and ease of construction. Modeller provides a comprehensive range of tools for evaluating curvature of the entire surface, as well as curvature along a particular surface contour such as a waterline or diagonal. Curvature displays are automatically and interactively updated as you modify the surface.
All Maxsurf designs are stored in a common 3D design file which is accessed directly by other modules for analysis, construction and performance prediction. Changes made in Modeller will automatically flow through when the design is opened in other modules. The design database files are extremely compact, making them ideal for transmission to designers or builders via email.
The interactive graphical environment in Modeller complies with Microsoft Windows standards and allows you to very quickly learn and master the many design tools provided. Multiple windows can be used to view and change the model as well as provide a tabular view of design data. Other windows provide on-
Data exchange is a key requirement in the modern design office and Modeller supports a wide range of industry standard formats. Copy and paste of numerical tables to and from Microsoft Excel allows for custom calculations and formatting. Copy and paste of all graphical views also helps you create presentation materials and reports. Import and export of industry standard DXF and IGES files, as well as reading and writing of Rhino files allows you to seamlessly exchange point, line or surface data with other systems.
Modeller’s unique surface trimming capabilities allow you to model complex surface edges while maintaining fairness throughout the rest of the hull. An interactive display of surface/surface intersections lets you create the shapes you require even with complex configurations such as curved transoms, stepped sheerlines and appendages or bow thrusters. Surface trimming is automatically updated as you adjust the surfaces in the design.
Modeller provides all the hull, appendage and superstructure modelling capabilities you require. Modeler is proven for Vessel Design. Use Modeler to optimise hull forms

See here for our selected webinars and videos
And there are Modeler videos on Youtube