Multiframe Structural Engineering Software (And see to rent or purchase Multiframe standalone ie without Maxsurf)
Multiframe Structural Engineering Software provides linear and non-
These analysis options are complemented by a full range of analysis-
Other modules allow you to draw section shapes and install them in the sections library and perform design checks for a range of design codes.
Multiframe Automation allows you to prepare design calculations in Excel and link them directly with your Multiframe model. An ever expanding range of design add-
- Multiframe
- 3D frame, truss and plate analysis
- Linear and Second Order analysis
- Section properties calculation
- Design check and optimization for steel frames
- Multiframe Advanced
- Adds Modal and Time History dynamic analysis
- Includes all design codes
- ASD, AIJ, LRFD, BS5950, AS4100, NZS3404, AS4600, AISI, EC/3 & User defined code

Multiframe Overview
- Fast, low cost, frame analysis
- Modelling
- Generate, Duplicate, Mirror, Rotate etc
- Loading
- Point, Moment, Uniform, Variable, Thermal
- Analysis
- Linear
- Results
- Actions, Deflections, Stresses
- Tables, Diagrams

- Modelling
- 3D clipping and masking
- Extrude
- Advanced member orientation
- OpenGL Rendering
- Analysis
- Linear, 2nd Order, Buckling
- Results
- OpenGL rendering
- Animation
- Colour overlay of any action or stress

Multiframe Advanced
- All features of 3D plus –
- Modal analysis
- Subspace iteration or Jacobi method
- Automatic self weight
- Additional lumped masses
- Lumped or distributed mass model
- Participation factors
- Time History Analysis
- Force or acceleration input
- Library of spectra
- Can be combined with master-slave
- Graphs of nodal results
- Animation of global response

Multiframe Plate Elements
- Plate/shell elements to be included in any Multiframe model using arbitrarily shaped patches
- With or without openings
- Plate formulation compatible with the beam elements
- Stress and action results can be displayed as contours on the 3D model.

Shape Editor
- Section properties calculation
- Completely graphical interface
- Steel, concrete or Composite sections
- Insert standard sections or shapes
- Import DXF shapes
- Integrated with Multiframe sections library
- Advanced Finite Element calculations of torsional properties

Steel Design
- Specify design properties
- Check to a range of codes
- ASD, AIJ Allowable Stress Codes
- EC/3, LRFD, BS5950, AS4100, NZS3404 Limit State Codes
- AS4600, AISI Cold Formed codes
- User Defined code
- Optimize for least weight with constraints
- Full report with details of design calcs
- Optional reporting to Word

There are more details on Multiframe Structural Engineering Softwareat
And several videos starting with Maxsurf webinars and videos
Or more Multiframe Structural Engineering Software videos beginning with geometry

Primary structure, 1000 tonnes steel, 4100 members,125 load cases, 750,000 loads

Multiframe is used by over 2000 engineers and architects around the world for all types of structural design. Structures designed using Multiframe include offshore structures, sports stadiums, high rise buildings, complex mining structures, incrementally launched bridges and more…
Kajima Corporation | GHD | MIT |
Kumagai Gumi | Halpern Glick Maunsell | Harvard School of Design |
Taisei Corporation | Kaiser Engineers | Standford University |
Takenaka Komuten | Australian Defense Industries | University of Michigan |
Lend Lease | Lawrence Berkeley Labs | University of Sydney |
Bechtel | MTS Systems | Tokyo University |
Clough Engineering | Caltrans Design | Cornell University |
Leighton Contractors | Flour Daniel | University of Auckland |
Hydroquebec | NASA Ames Research | UC Berkeley |
Multiframe Designs
- Industrial buildings
- Multi-span curved roof created by Jaime R. Gonzales Blanco for the Lucky Star factory in Aguascalientes, Mexico using Multiframe.

- Bridges
- Horizontally curved, incrementally launched reinforced concrete bridge, designed by J.R Spronken & Associates using Multiframe
Spronken Engineering
Spronken Engineering are an innovative design consultancy who use software tools extensively to maximise their design productivity. Multiframe forms the cornerstone of their structural work and was used for a wide range of analyses for the design and construction of this doubly curved, incrementally launched highway bridge in Calgary, Canada.

- Kajima Corporation – Tokyo
- Leading vertically integrated construction company. Numerous design and construction projects including Japan TV headquarters in Tokyo
- One of the largest design and construction companies in Japan, Kajima Corporation used Multiframe for the design of an innovative spherical viewing platform for a Tokyo highrise building. The 32 metre diameter, 1200 tonne steel structure was designed and analysed using Multiframe before being jacked into its final position on the 25th floor of the Japan TV headquarters.

- High rise
- 50 story Century Tower in Sydney, designed by Taylor & Herbert Consultants using Multiframe.

Taylor & Herbert Consulting and Structural Engineers
Taylor & Herbert Consulting and Structural Engineers, now part of Barnson, used Multiframe to design the 50 story Century Tower Skyscraper in Sydney. With a roof height of 183 meters it was Australia’s tallest residential building 1997-

- Multiframe was used to design the $5 billion (Australian) expansion of Australia’s North West Shelf liquefied natural gas project. This is Australia’s largest resource development project.
- NorthWest Shelf LNG Expansion
- Major steel structures for LNG processing
- Primary structure, 1000 tonnes steel, 4100 members
- 125 load cases, 750,000 loads
- Automatic load generation using VBA macros
- Saved 2 weeks of structural design team’s time
And See to rent or purchase Multiframe standalone ie without Maxsurf