
Steel & Aluminium Structural Parts

Structural Definition and Plate Development

Steel & Aluminium Structural Parts

The Maxsurf Structure module provides initial definition of structural parts including hull/shell plates, stringers, transverse frames, decks and longitudinal structure for all types of Maxsurf designs. Since release 21.10 Structure has been incorporated into Modeler. Please click here to contact us for more details.

Steel & Aluminium Structural Parts
Structure Features

• Longitudinal and stringer generation

• Automated girth spacing

• Perpendicular or twisted stringers

• Transverse frame generation

• Unlimited frame openings

• Automatic cutout insertion

• Cutout and materials database

• Plate definition and development

• Shell expansion

• Developed contour locations

• Interactive part creation

• Editable part tables

• 3D model rendering

• Plate strain display

• Parts database

• DXF and IGES export, copy and paste to Excel

• Export to ShipConstructor

Steel & Aluminium Structural Parts. The Structure module is used to define the location of parts on the vessel, generate part geometry and define parts which can be passed to other CAD systems for further detailing. Structure provides you with a range of interactive graphical tools, which are used to parametrically define parts directly from the Maxsurf NURB surface model.

Structure’s parametric part definition means that not only do parts match directly to the hull surface, they will also automatically adapt to any change in the hull definition. This allows more concurrent engineering, with design, analysis and construction detailing proceeding in parallel. This increases scope for weight optimisation and results in time savings in the detailing process.

An integrated parts list within Structure progressively contains all the parts you define and calculate. Quantities, areas, weights, centres of gravity and cutting lengths are calculated and tabulated. The parts database can be sorted by any criteria and each part can be renamed to suit your part naming conventions. All parts can be also be exported to spreadsheets or databases.

Structure has particularly comprehensive functions for laying out stringers, or longitudinal stiffeners, on the hull surface. Stringers can be automatically aligned with particular contours, set to a specified girth spacing, or duplicated in groups on the hull. Girth positions and stringer manipulation work equally well for monohull or multi-hull vessels.

Both developable and doubly curved plates can be defined and expanded using Structure. A range of development methods are provided and the Part window also lets you display plate forming information. Girth differences, a colour map of in-plate strain and locations of frames and stringers can all be displayed on the developed plate.

The wide range of part creation, definition and display options within Structure make it an ideal tool for preliminary layout of structure and plating. From the initial “point and click” definition of parts, through to the three dimensional shaded views of the complete structural model, Structure provides everything you need to quickly and accurately develop the major structure for your vessels.

Technology Preview 24.00.02

improvements to structural part modeling in Maxsurf Modeler. This includes several new features which are available in Technology Preview and we encourage you to try these and provide us with feedback so that we can develop these features to meet your needs.

  • Automation API: XMLGrid class which allows you to extract data from any table in the Maxsurf applications
  • Import of Room boundaries to Frame and Deck structure
  • Unconstrained Stringers (of arbitrary geometry, not confined to lie on a NURB surface)
  • Stiffeners on Frames and Decks
  • DGN export including mesh representation of structure parts

Structural Response of Marine Structures in Maxsurf Webinar

Click here for 5 minute video containing explanation and demonstration of the Maxsurf Structure module, which allows naval architects to define the primary structure of a vessel, placing shell stiffeners and plates in the model via a simple interface and control points. The Multiframe module is also shown, for general purpose stress analysis of 3D beam and plate models, enabling either static or dynamic analysis when loads are applied. We finish by animating our structure to see how it deforms, viewing the deflection and change in stress under loads.

Or just a Plates Video

Link to our more general webinars and videos

Informative 15 minute video by our colleague at Charleston Marine:

MAXSURF Structure Demo of Trawler Hull